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Today we would like to introduce you to Charlie Wendell

Charlie, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I have always been passionate about three things throughout my life; Jesus, people, and music. So while I was in graduate school I decided to work on a project that allowed me to incorporate all three of those passions.

At the time I was also simultaneously working for a record label; G4 Muzik. While I loved my job, I just felt like somehow all the money, fame, and resources could be utilized to help make a difference in the community. I began working on a business plan that centered on a music festival that traveled all across the world. Well life literally took me across the world to Ethiopia. Before Melody of Hope could come to life, I had already made a commitment to move to Africa for 10 months to do mission work. It turned out to be a blessing because I got to see upfront what it was like to live in immense poverty and what it looked like to be without hope. When I returned to the states I relentlessly started to take steps to bring Melody of Hope to life.

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Shine Lord Radio Show

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The Power of Music


Bubble Life Interview

Noteworthy Women with Charlie Welch

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